

旌旗读后感发表于2014-04-19 08:33:17归属于读后感500字本文已影响手机版




  “Open your heart,” she said gently. “Someone will come. Someone will come for you. But first you must open your heart.”

  The door closed. The sunlight disappeared.

  Someone will come.

  Edward’s heart stirred. He thought, for the first time in a long time, of the house on Egypt Street and of Abilene winding his watch and then bending toward him and placing it on his left leg, saying: I will come home to you.

  No, no, he told himself. Don’t believe it. Don’t let yourself believe it.

  But it was too late.

  Someone will come for you.

  The china rabbit’s heart had begun, again, to open.

  他相信敞开心扉去爱,才会收获幸福。即使心灵已经满目疮痍,也要等待,相信爱会治愈所有的伤口。他坚信,someone will come for me!

  She dropped the umbrella. She put her hand on the locket that hung around her neck. And Edward saw then that it was not a locket at all. It was a watch, a pocket watch.

  It was his watch.

  “Edward?” said Abilene.

  Yes, said Edward.

  “Edward,” she said again, certain this time.

  Yes, said Edward, yes, yes, yes.

  It’s me.





  “Edward,” said Abilene, “I love you. I don’t care how old I get, I will always love you.”


  I believe he will come for me someday and I‘m willing to be here waiting for him.