

旌旗读后感发表于2022-01-12 11:00:45归属于读后感600字本文已影响手机版


The Little Prince(英文版)




阅读时间 (2022.1.10-2022.1.10完结!)【1天】



本书讲述了在一个离地球很远的星球上,住着- -个小王子和他精心照顾的玫瑰。有一天小王子突然厌倦了自己星球的生活,所以他踏.上了去其他星球走访的征程。在这途中,他遇到了许多奇奇怪怪的人和事物,他感到很好奇也很迷惑。他还遇到了一个愿意始终陪伴他的小狐狸,他对待小狐狸如同对待玫瑰花一样,非常贴心。



This book seems to be a sort of fairytale superficially, but it is for the adults actually. It is undoubtedly beyond the understanding of kids to digest what the symbols in this book are about, as they are short of experience of life. This story is not so long but consists a great many information and deserves to be analyzed. The plane of the author crashed in a desert, and he was on the edge of dying. A boy came to him and recounted the tours among the planets he experienced to the author. The boy stands for the childhood or the childish thoughts of the author. The author, or "I" here,stand for an adult who has not yet lost his innocence. The plane is the daily life of me. The king, the drinker or the businessman the boy met are people who have grown up and who have already fitted into the world of the grown-ups. The rose is the lover of the boy, he was tamed by it. He then tamed the fox and learnt that after a tie has been forged, they are unique to each other. Then the boy understand what is different between his rose and the hundreds of roses grown on earth. Finally, the plane was fixed, means I can carry on my daily life.

The use of symbols in this book resembles those used in The Pilgrims Progress, in which the author named each person with the influence they offer to the pilgrims. The   way the author compose this book is similar to that of Carmen, in which the story was told by Don Jose to me in prison.